Crystal of the Week - Tiger's Eye - Week of 11/26/2017 - 12/2/2017

Guide to Crystals - Crystal of the Week

For week of Sunday 11/26/2017

Tiger's Eye


Keywords for Tiger's Eye

Patience, Readiness, Decisive Action, Focus


Last week we got grounded using the energy of the Smokey Quartz. This week's crystal is Tiger's eye which still resonates with that strong grounding energy. The importance of the rich gold and brown bands are they remind us of the importance to focus. Tiger's eye will encourage us to bring the mind into the body giving us the concentration of intention. It especially facilitates the inner ability to sit quietly and allow our thoughts and skills to mature to a point of readiness. Its ability to draw down the mental levels assists us in realizing our dreams and projects.

This may be a good time to dream a little while we have this focused energy and jot down a few inspired focused ideas for our coming projects for the new year. New Year's resolutions are also a good thing to focus upon while we are being contemplative.

Tiger's eye works well with balancing the chakras, particularly helping very earth-bound people to expand their consciousness and very scattered, airy people to ground their energy. In this way it helps us shine a light inwardly, illuminating our practical and spiritual potential and supporting balance. It helps to overcome creative blocks and offers confidence and conviction to drive us forward. Its high vibration imbues us with very practical gifts and offers us the protection and necessary self-esteem to realize our self.

Divinatory meaning

The divinatory meaning for the week of November 25th:

Indicates that this is time to focus on the realization of a dream or project. Sit quietly with the thought in mind. Is it just a wish or are you ready to manifest the reality?

Healing meaning

Eyes! Eyes! Eyes! Remember that.

Tigers eye is especially beneficial for eyes and vision. It offers strength for those overcoming addiction and long illness. Also useful for high blood pressure, a disease of the lungs and skin disorders.

About Crystal of the Week

We all aren't able to have an abundance of crystals around us to learn and use at our convenience. One way is to use images and focus on their properties and the message which can bring the energy into our lives.

I will be using my own crystal deck for this purpose and be pulling a card for the Crystal of the week. This is a deck of cards with images of crystals and their various uses and attributes that I use as a teaching tool and can also be used as an oracle deck for a divinatory meaning.


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