Define Amethyst Phantoms and their meaning

Amethyst with phantom

A phantom contains a ghost like image of another crystal within it. It is a crystal or mineral deposit within a crystal. Phantoms are formed when the growth of a crystal has been interrupted and begins to grow again.

Specifically Amethyst phantoms are related to spiritual growth. It may inspire you to release the past and can be instrumental for those working on past-life issues. Are you experiencing blocks that inhibit your intuition? It may be a result of a past negative experience involving psychic abilities. Use an Amethyst phantom to trigger the release of those blockages.

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About the Author:
A massage therapist and healer for over 10 years with a special interest in crystals, numerology, and the healing arts, meditates at least weekly and hopes to share the more interesting things learned on this path. Encourages questions and conversations that may help many who are seeking.

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