Guide to Crystals - Crystal of the Week

Saturday 11/11/2018


A gemstone that comes in white, pink, brown, green, or even violet.
Apophyllite is an enhancer of intuition and will often times be used to heal problems with vision as well a keep your senses sharp.

Divinatory meaning

 It is time to let go of whatever is holding you back or down. Consider your life carefully. What can you let go in order to move onwards and upwards towards your potential?

Healing meaning

 It is a stone of choice for reiki healing, facilitating states of deep relaxation and tranquility to enhance healing. It also helps to alleviate asthma, allergies and problems with the eyes.

About Crystal of the Week

We all aren't able to have an abundance of crystals around us to learn and use at our convenience. One way is to use images and focus on their properties and the message which can bring the energy into our lives.

I will be using my own crystal deck for this purpose and be pulling a card for the Crystal of the week. This is a deck of cards with images of crystals and their various uses and attributes that I use as a teaching tool and can also be used as an oracle deck for a divinatory meaning.
