Guide to Crystals - Crystal of The Week 11/19/2017 - 11/25/2017 Smokey Quartz

Guide to Crystals - Crystal of the Week

Saturday 11/19/2017

Source: Mineralia

Smokey Quartz

It's time to get grounded! This crystal is a excellent healer. It enhances and gets you in touch with the physical body. If your mind has been wandering too much and been in the clouds it may be time to bring it down a notch or two. Get back in touch with your feelings. It can bring unwanted or hurtful feelings back sometimes if you've been avoiding them. It's important to work through it and move on or they will keep coming back to bother you. There are no shortcuts with feelings. At some point you have to face them.

Smokey Quartz attunes to individual needs and is an essential tool for healers and spiritual workers. It cleanses the auric field and helps focus on blocks to growth.

Divinatory meaning

 Indicates it is time to let go of past hurts and problems. Open yourself to transformation.

Healing meaning

Linking with its grounding energy it is effective in treatment of weaknesses affecting the abdomen, hips, and legs. It relieves backache and nervous tension and is useful for overall strengthening and functioning of the body.

About Crystal of the Week

We all aren't able to have an abundance of crystals around us to learn and use at our convenience. One way is to use images and focus on their properties and the message which can bring the energy into our lives.

I will be using my own crystal deck for this purpose and be pulling a card for the Crystal of the week. This is a deck of cards with images of crystals and their various uses and attributes that I use as a teaching tool and can also be used as an oracle deck for a divinatory meaning.


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