
Crystal of the Week - Tiger's Eye - Week of 11/26/2017 - 12/2/2017

Guide to Crystals - Crystal of the Week For week of Sunday 11/26/2017 Tiger's Eye   Keywords for Tiger's Eye Patience, Readiness, Decisive Action, Focus   Last week we got grounded using the energy of the Smokey Quartz. This week's crystal is Tiger's eye which still resonates with that strong grounding energy. The importance of the rich gold and brown bands are they remind us of the importance to focus. Tiger's eye will encourage us to bring the mind into the body giving us the concentration of intention. It especially facilitates the inner ability to sit quietly and allow our thoughts and skills to mature to a point of readiness. Its ability to draw down the mental levels assists us in realizing our dreams and projects. This may be a good time to dream a little while we have this focused energy and jot down a few inspired focused ideas for our coming projects for the new year. New Year's resolutions are also a good thing to focus

Guide to Crystals - Crystal of The Week 11/19/2017 - 11/25/2017 Smokey Quartz

Guide to Crystals - Crystal of the Week Saturday 11/19/2017 Source: Mineralia Smokey Quartz It's time to get grounded! This crystal is a excellent healer. It enhances and gets you in touch with the physical body. If your mind has been wandering too much and been in the clouds it may be time to bring it down a notch or two. Get back in touch with your feelings. It can bring unwanted or hurtful feelings back sometimes if you've been avoiding them. It's important to work through it and move on or they will keep coming back to bother you. There are no shortcuts with feelings. At some point you have to face them. Smokey Quartz attunes to individual needs and is an essential tool for healers and spiritual workers. It cleanses the auric field and helps focus on blocks to growth. Divinatory meaning  Indicates it is time to let go of past hurts and problems. Open yourself to transformation. Healing meaning Linking with its grounding energy it is effective in treatment o
Guide to Crystals - Crystal of the Week Saturday 11/11/2018 Apophyllite A gemstone that comes in white, pink, brown, green, or even violet. Apophyllite is an enhancer of intuition and will often times be used to heal problems with vision as well a keep your senses sharp. Divinatory meaning  It is time to let go of whatever is holding you back or down. Consider your life carefully. What can you let go in order to move onwards and upwards towards your potential? Healing meaning  It is a stone of choice for reiki healing, facilitating states of deep relaxation and tranquility to enhance healing. It also helps to alleviate asthma, allergies and problems with the eyes. About Crystal of the Week We all aren't able to have an abundance of crystals around us to learn and use at our convenience. One way is to use images and focus on their properties and the message which can bring the energy into our lives. I will be using my own crystal deck for this purpose and be pulling

Define Amethyst Phantoms and their meaning

Amethyst with phantom A phantom contains a ghost like image of another crystal within it. It is a crystal or mineral deposit within a crystal. Phantoms are formed when the growth of a crystal has been interrupted and begins to grow again. Specifically Amethyst phantoms are related to spiritual growth. It may inspire you to release the past and can be instrumental for those working on past-life issues. Are you experiencing blocks that inhibit your intuition? It may be a result of a past negative experience involving psychic abilities. Use an Amethyst phantom to trigger the release of those blockages. Like Guide To Crystals Facebook page! About the Author : A massage therapist and healer for over 10 years with a special interest in crystals, numerology, and the healing arts, meditates at least weekly and hopes to share the more interesting things learned on this path. Encourages questions and conversations that may help many who are seeking. More Articles by this Author 4

What is the Sorcerers Stone?

The Sorcerer's Stone , a completely fictional stone from the Harry Potter books, creates the Elixir of Life, extending the drinker's lifespan and also transforms metal into pure gold. Since it was only a fictional stone, Harry Potter replica's are made of resin in a ruby red color and is somewhat translucent. Harry Potter fans can own a piece of the story to remember and have it displayed in its only golden display case. However, if you came here looking for the real Sorcerer's Stone you would be seeking Nuummite . Nuummite doesn't exactly create the Elixir of Life or extend its owners lifespan however it is a very powerful stone that's been around 3 billion years. To find the birthplace of this mysterious stone we would have to travel all the way to Greenland to the capital and largest town of Greenland called Nuuk. Read full article on Hubpages: Nuummite - The Real Sorcerer's Stone - A Powerful Stone That's Been Around 3 Billion Years

Decoding 11:11 : What does it mean?

The number 11:11 is a symbolic code that stirs within us a deep cellular memory, a most sacred and divine awakening to the innate power of our Soul. When we see 11:11 our heart opens to the eternal nature of spirit and we are compelled to awaken to our deepest truths and the highest vision of our soul purpose here on Earth. The first number ‘11‘ in ‘11:11′, represents the two strands of our DNA double helix spiral and the send number ‘11‘ in ’11:11‘ represents the 11 energetic bodies or auric fields that surround EVERY DNA helix spiral within EVERY cell of our body. When we ‘see’ 11:11 we are resonating our DNA’s auric field and hence activating or turning on the expression of our physical DNA.

Are the crystals doing the work or is it the crystal healer?

Crystal healing is an alternative healing technique in which crystals and other stones are used to improve ailments and protect against disease, emotional trauma, improve mood, and become more grounded. This idea is not at all popular with doctors because the crystals themselves have no science for actually changing anything or curing ailments. Is there really no way to further prove the case in crystals? Is there any evidence that shows why crystals healing is so popular? Here we will discuss what is known about the science of crystals and how that may give light as to why we are drawn to their power. How Do Crystals Work? Belief goes a long way when talking about things we can't see physically with our eyes. We have more control over our emotions, body, and general well being then we can accurately explain.  The explanation that you are looking for can be found in watches. Crystals are in watches to help keep accurate time. The gears are regulated by a tiny crys